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If you want to improve your law firm’s website to increase your visibility on Google searches, but your marketing budget is very limited, you have two options. You can devote a portion of your modest marketing budget to paying a content marketing firm for search engine optimization (SEO) services, or you can do it yourself by assigning the task of adding content to your website to employees of your law firm. With digital marketing, as with so many other aspects of business, the saying is true that you have to spend money to make money, although it does not cost a fortune to get high quality SEO services. It is worthwhile to invest in high quality legal blog content from a reputable content marketing firm instead of paying for bottom-of-the-barrel content from content mills or asking your overworked employees to devote their non-existent free time to learning content marketing for no additional pay.

Dirt Cheap SEO Is Reactive Instead of Proactive

When you ask a content mill or your own employee to produce blog content for your site for little or no pay, you are not thinking about the big picture. Yes, updating your site frequently with new content helps your SEO, but you should think about long-term strategy, not simply about writing something instead of nothing. Cheaply written content often resembles the final exam essay of a student who goofed off all semester and then attempted to study for the exam the night before. In other words, most of it is made-up fluff. Your own employee knows about your practice area, but her knowledge of SEO is limited to a Wikipedia article she read when you gave her the assignment. The content mill writers can plug your keywords into grammatically correct sentences that show Google that your website exists, but they provide little to no valuable information for readers.

Dirt Cheap SEO Is Superficial

If you pay for dirt cheap SEO content, you are paying for grammatically correct drivel with the requested number of keyword incidences. The writers know nothing about your law firm’s brand identity or overall market strategy. They have not researched your competitors to find out what makes you different from them.

Dirt Cheap SEO Might Even Be Shady

Inexpensive SEO providers sometimes resort to questionable tactics to make your site appear to perform well. For example, they might purchase links from third-party services, or they might give you content that has a big word count and includes all your keywords, but is repetitive and offers little value to prospective clients. If Google catches on to what they are doing, these shady tactics could even make your website less visible.

High Quality Content Is Worth the Investment

One informative, well-written blog post per month will attract more prospective clients to your site than daily updates full of thousands of words of the blog content equivalent of spam. The professional legal content writers at Law Blog Writers will deliver well-researched content that serves your law firm’s mission and marketing strategy.

Adding a blog to your law firm’s website and regularly adding new posts to it is not the newest or fanciest content marketing strategy, but it is one of the most reliable ways to ensure that your law firm’s website remains on the first page of Google search results. It is also an effective way to attract new clients to your law firm. This might seem counterintuitive, since people increasingly look for information in videos; in the age of YouTube and Tik Tok, you might be skeptical that anyone still has the attention span to read blogs. The beauty of a well-written blog post is that it simultaneously meets the needs of three categories of audience members, namely the researchers who read every word, the bar hoppers and distracted drivers in search of a quick answer, and Google’s bots. In other words, you do not need to write three times as much legal blog content to make your blog serve all of these purposes.

Know Your Audiences

All writers should write for a specific audience, but writers of legal blog content should keep three audiences in mind. These are the three audiences of a law firm blog post, along with what they are looking for when they access your blog post:

· Information Seekers – They want to know the details about some aspect of your practice area. They are not trying to make a quick decision, but if your post is successful, they will read more content on your site, or even contact you. They need you because they are trying to accomplish a task related to your practice area (such as filing an insurance claim or applying for summary administration of an estate). If their situation turns out to be so complex that they need a lawyer, they will contact you.

· Multitaskers – They access your site while they are in the middle of something else. They have a quick question while they are in the middle of work or a social conversation, and your blog post can answer it. Unlike information seekers, multitaskers do not read the entire blog post; they can find the answer by reading a Google rich snippet or scanning the subheadings of your post. An example of a multitasker is a freelance writer who needs to submit a 200-page romance novel by Friday night and needs to know whether New Jersey law calls drunk driving DUI or DWI.

· Search Engine Bots – They read your entire post in a fraction of a second. They decide that the post is relevant based on the presence of keywords that relate to the search query. They also determine that your post is credible based on its freedom from grammatical and spelling errors.

Choose Content Writers Who Can Write for Multiple Audiences

The professional legal content writers at Law Blog Writers can write blog posts that are easy for search engine bots and multitaskers to understand at a glance, but interesting and informative enough that information seekers will want to read them multiple times or share them.

Being quiet, knowledgeable and tactful makes you a good lawyer, but it does not help yo

u compete for attention with everyone else out there willing to make fools of themselves or pick fights with anyone and everyone for the sake of 15 minutes of fame. This was true when you were on the high school debate team by day and burning CDs to trade with your friends by night, and it is true now that you are a lawyer and everyone else is making a tremendous fuss about everything and nothing. You must promote your law firm in an increasingly competitive and noisy environment. When you seek content marketing advice, it tends to be about how to shout the loudest, bombarding your audience with provocative videos that blast through their earbuds on their commute to work or greet them with impatient notifications on the lock screens of their phones when they wake up in the morning. Adorning your website with videos of marmosets on unicycles will not make people more likely to contact your law firm, but you can still write engaging legal blog content that will make your law firm stand out from the crowd.

Being a Lawyer Is a Creative Profession

You use creativity every day in your work as a lawyer. You might not be painting or composing music, but you are thinking on your feet to offer individualized solutions for your clients, based on your knowledge of the law. You should share that knowledge with prospective clients in the form of blog posts. Framing your blog posts as advice instead of information will make them seem more personal, and when readers see what on-the-mark advice you can give without knowing their specific situations, they will want to contact you when they need your guidance about things that you can only decide after talking to each client about his or her case.

Focus on the Law Firm Client Version of the Sales Funnel, Not on SEO

Blog posts that give general information about an aspect of your practice area (such as a specific law or a specific legal process with which you can help clients) are excellent for SEO. They contain many keywords relevant to your practice area, and they let Google know that your site is a source of credible information about your practice area. In many industries, content writers focus on tailoring content to various parts of the sales funnel, that is, how sure that the reader is about making a purchase in the near future. While you are not in the sales business, you can tailor some of your advice blog posts to clients who just want to know about the laws (“How Does Equitable Distribution Work?”), some to people who have a legal problem that you can solve (“How to Have and Amicable Divorce”), and some to people who have probably already involved lawyers and courts in their situations (“How to Modify a Child Support Order”).

Or You Can Let Truly Interesting People Write Your Blog Posts

The professional legal content writers at Law Blog Writers can use their boundless creativity and insight into the human condition to create blog posts that will resonate with your target audience.

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